Diversity and Inclusion – Definitions 

Let’s start by defining diversity and inclusion to ensure the concepts are clear.

Diversity refers to a broad representation of individuals who differ in characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, education, and cultural background. It’s about recognizing and valuing each person’s unique attributes and perspectives to the organization.

In contrast, inclusion is the proactive and intentional effort by an organization to ensure that these diverse individuals feel welcomed, valued, and supported. Inclusion goes beyond merely having a diverse workforce; it involves creating a workplace culture where everyone feels a sense of belonging. 

Diversity itself is not an issue, as our differences have always existed and contributed to our uniqueness. The real challenge in the diverse work environment is our attitudes towards diversity. People with negative attitudes toward others’ differences often exhibit harmful behaviors such as prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Thus, the goal is to achieve respect and acceptance in the work environment. 

Ultimately, diversity and inclusion are interconnected. While diversity is about the composition of the workforce, inclusion is about how well the organization integrates and leverages that diversity.

What Makes Klika Tech a Diverse Environment

At Klika Tech, our diverse team spans 7 countries across 4 continents, representing at least 11 nationalities. This rich cultural background offers us daily opportunities to learn from one another’s unique perspectives, languages, and traditions. With over 20 different work locations across the company, our global presence ensures that we’re continuously exposed to fresh ideas and approaches. Moreover, we cooperate with companies in 10 different countries and our team’s international experience is a significant asset in these collaborations.

Creating a space where many people from different backgrounds feel comfortable is essential for a culturally diverse organization, therefore we’re committed to creating a truly inclusive environment for our team. As Michalina – HR BP at Klika Tech – says: “Nothing is obvious when you work in a company of over 300 people, spanning dozens of countries across the globe. Even the simplest concepts, like the definition of “teamwork” or “respect,” can vary slightly. And, as always, the devil is in the details.”. That’s why Klika Tech provides definitions, clarifications, and ready-made tools to assist teams in effectively managing cultural differences.

Let me share the story of our recruiter Daria, who highlights our commitment to connecting different cultures. Daria is from Ukraine and came to Poland 12 years ago to study. She spent a great part of her life in a foreign country, learning a new culture and language. At work, she brilliantly combines knowledge of different cultures and fluently speaks multiple languages. It makes her closer to our team members from different countries – and by extension, she connects all of us together! 

As Daria herself says: “The blending of several cultures in my life has become a source of richness and depth. Such cultural wealth enables me to combine the best of different worlds, understanding and respecting the diversity of the world. The continuous process of learning and adaptation helps me remain open and sensitive. Having my experience, I agree with Nelson Mandela, who said, that different cultures are not a division, but an inspiration. When we connect them, we build new opportunities for understanding and cooperation.”

Klika Tech’s Contribution to the Inclusive Work Environment 

As an inclusive work environment, we create a workplace where all employees, regardless of their background, identity, or characteristics, feel valued, respected, and supported. We’re committed to building a space where differences are acknowledged, and where every individual has equal opportunities to contribute, participate, and advance. By embracing diversity, we enable each employee to reach his or her full potential. 

What do we do at Klika Tech to make sure that our team members feel safe and included? 

First of all, we’re focused on knowledge sharing. Not only do we encourage our employees to learn about other cultures in the company, but also we create useful materials that might help them better understand each other. I strongly believe that everything starts with comprehension and respect because only when we’re aware of the differences between us, we’re able to notice how important it is to treat each other properly.

Another valuable activity is workshops about cultural diversity where our teams learn more about their team members’ cultures and understand the differences between them. They share cultural insights – both fun facts and valuable information about our work cultures. One of the books that was a great inspiration when creating training materials, was Erin Meyer’s “The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business”, which offers a proven framework for understanding how cultural differences influence global business interactions. I recommend it to any person who encounters a cross-cultural work environment to operate and collaborate better in their team.    

We created learning materials in our Employee Handbook, such as the page “Bridging the Cultural Gap”. We explore how cultures can differ, while also providing guidance on acceptable behaviors and those to avoid. We know how collaboration is essential for the successful completion of tasks and ongoing projects.

Having teams in many countries, we are keen to have the opportunity to get to know people from other offices as showcased in the next example of our actions for inclusiveness – organizing business trips to other countries on different occasions, especially when we start hiring on the other side of the world, in a culture that was previously unknown to us. 

When we first started to hire in Latin America, Karine – our Head of Recruitment – had quite a challenge building a team across the ocean. 

“We began by partnering with a recruitment agency in Colombia to gain a clearer understanding of the local working culture and communication styles. As we grew more familiar with the region and decided to establish a stronger presence, we hired a local recruiter, Fernando.

Because he was the first Klika Tech team member in Colombia, we were eager to invite him to our office in Poland to foster a deeper connection and give him a firsthand experience of our company’s culture. We believed it was important for Fernando to experience our values and team spirit in person so he could feel part of the team, and be able to effectively introduce the company to potential candidates.”

To further integrate the team, we host online team-building sessions, during which we can learn about each other’s personal side by playing social games. A bit of fun combined with sharing stories and experiences is highly effective in improving communication. 

Case Study: Klika Tech’s Commitment to a More Inclusive World

We’re focused on innovation and open-mindedness, and every world-changing IoT solution starts with people! A good example of our commitment to inclusivity is our project with LUCI. It began when Barry Dean, inspired by his daughter Katherine’s need for safer mobility, teamed up with his brother Jered, an engineer. Klika Tech partnered with LUCI to co-create an IoT-powered wheelchair that makes mobility safer and more convenient for wheelchair users. This device works with advanced IoT technologies, offering improved stability, security, and real-time connectivity. 

Inadequate adaptation to urban space and collisions are still a very serious problem for people using wheelchairs. According to statistics, wheelchair-related accidents are alarmingly common in the U.S. A study by the National Institute of Health found that over 100,000 wheelchair users are treated in emergency rooms each year due to injuries from falls or collisions. Many of these accidents could be prevented with better safety features, highlighting the need for innovations like LUCI. This technology helps reduce risks by using sensors to detect obstacles and prevent dangerous situations, ultimately enhancing the safety and independence of wheelchair users.

Klika Tech created a system that collects, processes, and analyzes data in real-time to enable automated decisions, like braking to prevent collisions. It’s truly amazing how IoT sensors can simply capture data such as navigation, elevation or object proximity through different networks to ensure safe movement in a wheelchair. This system management and remote monitoring are facilitated through a mobile app and voice integration with Alexa Voice Service, offering additional features like sending alerts to remote caregivers – which makes it even easier to use. 

Amazing, right? We’re truly committed to creating a safer, more accessible world and we’re more than proud to be part of this amazing solution.

Advantages of Inclusive Communication Rules

Imagine working in a place where your creativity thrives, your ideas drive innovation, and you’re empowered to solve problems in new ways. By creating an inclusive work environment, you’re not just contributing to a better workplace, but also enhancing your professional growth! Here’s how:

  • Boosting your creativity: In an inclusive environment, diverse perspectives collide, sparking new ideas and fresh approaches. You’ll find yourself thinking outside the box more often, as you collaborate with colleagues who bring different experiences and viewpoints to the table.
  • Driving innovation: Inclusive teams are innovation powerhouses. When everyone feels valued and heard, it leads to a constant flow of creative solutions and cutting-edge ideas. By being part of such a team, you’ll be at the forefront of innovation, making meaningful contributions that can shape the future of the company.
  • Enhancing problem-solving skills: Diverse teams are proven to tackle challenges more effectively. With varied perspectives, you’ll learn to approach problems from multiple angles, improving your ability to find solutions that might be overlooked in a more homogenous environment. 
  • Strengthening understanding within the team: Inclusivity fosters open communication and mutual respect, leading to stronger bonds within your team. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your colleagues, which enhances collaboration and makes working together more rewarding.
  • Fostering respect and collaboration: When everyone’s voice is valued, mutual respect becomes the norm, and it leads to a more supportive and productive work experience. 
  • Building a sense of belonging and your well-being: Feeling like you belong is crucial to your well-being. In an inclusive workplace, you’ll feel more connected and valued, which boosts your satisfaction, and overall happiness at work.

By joining a company that prioritizes inclusivity, you’re not just getting a job – you’re stepping into a role that nurtures your creativity, fosters innovation, and helps you grow both personally and professionally. If you’re looking for a place where you can thrive and make a real impact, this is the environment for you.

Reference list:

Lussier, R.N. & Hendon, J.R. (2019). “Human resource management: Functions, applications, and skill development (3rd edition)”, SAGE Publishing.

Maj., J. (2023). “The Influence of an Inclusive Work Environment and Perceived Diversity on Job Satisfaction. Evidence from Poland”, Central European Business Review, 12(5)

Mccarthy, V.,  Miller, G., Royall, S. (2022). “Creating an Inclusive Workplace: The Effectiveness of Diversity Training”, Journal of Global Economy, Trade and International Business, 2(1), 39-55.

Stevens, F. G., Plaut, V. C., & Sanchez-Burks, J. (2008). “Unlocking the Benefits of Diversity: All-Inclusive Multiculturalism and Positive Organizational Change.”, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 44(1), 116-133. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021886308314460

Tejpal, P., Nath, V. (2014). “Diversity at Workplace: Creating an Inclusive Culture”, Anveshanam – The Journal of Management. 2(1), 35-50. Uman T, Edfors E, Padoan S, Edberg A-K. (2023). “Contribution of an inclusive climate to the work of culturally diverse healthcare teams: A qualitative descriptive design.”, Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 43(1). doi:10.1177/20571585211070381

By: Ola Leszczyńska, Employer Branding Specialist